The Archive

This collection is necessarily incomplete. Over time I’ll archive more material, and organize it a little better.  In the meantime, you might call this the WYSIWYG Files….

The Intimate Ape: Exploring the captive life and conservation hopes of the bonobo

Return to the Shack: A pilgrimmage to the land that incubated A Sand County Almanac

Silence of the Loons: How sprawl will be the undoing of Wisconsin’s northland

Alien Invaders: A profile of Notre Dame’s David Lodge, a leading scientist in invasive species

BigBrother@cyberspace: My very first magazine feature, a long exploration of civil liberties around the dawn of the commericial Internet

The Fish Man of Wisconsin: Historical profile of George Becker, a driven and charismatic fish biologist at UW Stevens Point

Wes Jackson: An early interview with the visionary behindustry the Land Institute

The Deer Hunter: A former vegetarian grapples with hunting

Oh Deer: How deer overabundance is destroying the forest

Bringing It All Back Home: An interview with Mike Dombeck, former head of the US Forest Service

Getting the Lead Out: Lead and the decline of Detroit

The Mummy’s Tumor: A little archeological oncology

Shhhhh! Why Wisconsin Needs a Quiet Zone

The Path Taken: Benton MacKaye and the invention of the Appalachian Trail

Botany & Revolution: Celebrating the charismatic teaching style of Tim Allen

Oh, Deer: America’s White-Tailed Deer Problem

How to Breed a 2,000-pound Rhino

Helmet? Hell no! More bicylists opt for risky riding

Will Madison run dry? We can’t take our water supply for granted

To Kill A Wolf

The Village Well: A Journey to Benin

The Littlest Killers: Hacking the Mosquito

The Grist Files

Jesse Ventura Wants Light Rail


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