Since 1990 I haveĀ specialized inĀ narratives incorporating science, history, economics, and politics. Over the years my focus has shifted, from land use to cancer to ecology, but there’s usually an environmental angle somewhere. I’ve won Gold and Silver medals from the International Regional Magazine Association and my work has been published in a wide range of venues. To name most: The New York Times-Week in Review, The Los Angeles Times, Newsday, MAMM, Cure, Wildlife Conservation, Fit Pregnancy, Milwaukee Magazine, Madison Magazine, Grow, Notre Dame Magazine, Wisconsin People & Ideas, The Progressive, The Nation, Rolling Stone, Boston Phoenix, Wisconsin Trails, Discover, Prevention, OnEarth, Grist, Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem Marketplace, and Backpacker. (Image here, and on the front page, courtesy Woody Osborne.)